







I use the unusual technique of mixed-firing glass and clay in pursuit of expression and forms that emerge through heat.

My inspiration stems from the cycle that is life, and the passing of time that brings change to all things.

In my act of creation, I intentionally devolve a portion to the power of nature and material. This unlocks the potential of my material, and helps them transcend imagination.

Perhaps this is analogous to traditional Japanese ceramics. The Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, or the beauty within cracks, imperfection and the austere is expressed, and with the marriage between ceramic aesthetics and glass techniques, I create forms of expression that cannot be expressed by glass or ceramic alone.

This technique is an interpretation of kiln working, combined with ceramic techniques. By blending glass and ceramic, I give birth to glass with ceramic textures.

I place this unique material into a mold to create a solid form. Then, I remove the mold and fire it in a kiln.

With heat and gravity, works begin to crack open, revealing depths of expression much like ceramics.

While observing the kiln, in an instant, I stop the firing and begin cooling, trying to stop in time its movement.